Energy is a scarce resource that dominates our political, economic, social and technological debates. Being the focus of such fierce and constant debate puts the companies that operate in this sector under intense pressure and scrutiny; something that quickly filters down to the people, processes and technology employed within those companies.
Our energy team provides fundraising, transaction and advisory services across the sector. Our aim is to help deliver businesses that are sustainable in the long term, ensuring that they are secure, compliant, competitive and appropriately funded.
Our experience in this sector is wide-ranging, with our team having worked in oil and gas production; electricity generation; and electricity and gas transmission, distribution and supply.
We’ve advised regulators (such as Ofgem and CER) and funding agencies (such as the World Bank and the EU). We’ve restructured industries in Europe, India, Russia and the Middle East and transformed business in Spain, South Africa and the UK. Most recently, we have advised solar, wind farm, hydroelectric biomass and waste-to-energy businesses.